Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Why having a food sensitivity test outweighs any nutrition diet book. Also key vitamins and minerals to reduce infection in the body.

There's many many diet books out in today market that suggest they have the magic system for you that by purchasing their book and following their specific programming you the individual will attain great health wellbeing with a guarantee of major rapid weight loss. Well people I'm here to burst that bubble because it's complete nonsense. To be able to say that from reading one book cover to cover that it can promise so much without even taking into account that you are completely different,with a unique physical emotion mental structure from everyone else is extraordinary. Ie broccoli is a healthy food but you maybe highly sensitive to eating it resulting in gut issues which lead to inflammation.

Firstly how can a book know what foods you are allergic too.

What foods you may have high or low sensitivity too?

What physical or emotional stress you maybe encountering from past & present?

What gut issues you may have?

Having a food sensitivity test can determine all these outcomes for the individual with an accurate detailed plan.
A food sensitivity test works by you purchasing a kit,taking some sample of your blood with a pinprick then dropping small droplets onto a card,which you then send back to the lab for testing. This can also be done by saliva swob test around the mouth then sent off for examination. 

The bloods salvia are examined with over 80-100 different types of foods which are found in an average diet plan. The immune system shows how it reacts to the foods which is either a high or low response depending on the type of food.
High response shows high sensitivity to that individual food type, and Low shows that particular food is suitable to eat. Now because a food maybe high on your sensitivity list doesn't mean you can never eat that particular it again, it may just be you have over consumed that food and need to stop eating it for a few months then you might be able to return to it a a later date.

Most people's tests are completely different for each others this is why gaining more information about your personal data is going to acquire better results. This also applies to personal training session as well! A general plan will only get you so far it doesn't take into account you as a individual physical mental emotion and spiritual being.

Ok let's move into foods vitamins and minerals that will help prevent infections inflammation and virues that circulate in today's society. I have to kickoff with magnesium oil because it has so many amazing properties to heal the human body- its incredible. I first heard about magnesium oil a few years back when I was watching a video clip with Mike Mahler he couldn't say enough good things about it which caught my attention so I decided to investigate further. I found out that using the oil instead of tablet form improved absorption rate through the skin transdermally and bypassed the GI tract. The process is delivered by spraying the magnesium directly onto the skin preferably onto large areas of the body ie legs,back but can also be placed into injured joints and muscles for direct healing to occur.
It also boost hormone profile by keeping cortisol at bay and moves towards our preferred stress management hormone DHEA which is a superb anti inflammatory for our bodies. Magnesium boost muscle strength and improves fatigue. Dilates blood vessels and vasodilator. Relaxes muscles for a good recovery and nights sleep. Helps reduces our inflammation by lowering C-reactive protein levels. Magnesium backs up our adrenal hormones when we encounter stressful periods in our life. Moves toxin out of our system. Can lower blood pressure if we have optimal amounts in the body. Treats the chronic inflammatory condition fibromyalgia. Has been shown to prevent blocked arteries from built up calcium plaque developed in cholesterol. Magnesium supports our natural inflammation fighting enzymes that destroy fibrous unhealthy tissue from injuries. 

The mineral Zinc also has healing properties that drive down inflammation. There's a enzyme that it produces call superoxide dismutase that combats unhealthy tissue. It's a great stress fighting mineral that helps heal wounds in the body. Highly potent antioxidants found within it,that generates cellular redevelopment and muscle repair. Naturally builds immunity in the body resulting in healthier white cellular structure. Has been shown to help people with arthritis who may have low levels of zinc. To much zinc will affect the copper that's already within your system,so maintaining a balance is important. Zinc 25mg cooper 1mg ratio. Daily Zinc intake 30mg-50mg this may vary if you are deficient so higher dose maybe needed in some individual cases.

My personal experience has been that a good quality zinc gluconate taken on a daily basis has helped boost my natural testosterone production which transfers into a positive mood.

Vitamin D is vital for warding off different forms of cancers that can be partentially life threatening ie colon bladder prostate ovarian. It's been shown that even in low dosage it dramatically reduces inflammation. Autoimmune disease high blood pressure and diabetes all stem from having a deficiency in vitamin D which all correlate with high level  inflammation. 

Next is a great supplement that's naturally produced in the pancreas that has so many amazing healing qualities is systemic enzymes. I personally have benefited from systemic enzymes when I was struggling with chronic hip pain  resulting from over use of hip flexor muscles from years of martial arts and  playing football.
Although, as you age your amount of systemic enzymes produced  is significantly reduced causing more aches/stiffness,if not addressed with adequate restoration will result in old injuries that were not properly dealt with, begin to raise their ugly little heads again. Fortunately their is a silver lining to increasing the enzyme in the body and lowering inflammation that previous injuries are causing. By supplementing you can reduce the old aches and pains that have been plagueing you for years with great affect. They will also reduce,workout recovery muscle soreness (Doms) delayed onset of muscle soreness and dramatically clear up chronic pain. Old scar tissue that's been sitting around injured joint will be eaten up. Also works to clean blood in the body and lowers cortisol from a stressful situation or event.

It even balances an over active immune system that can lead to autoimmune diseases which attack their own heathy cells and tissue. Also prevents viruses from living within the body. 
Mike Mahler and Dr William Wong have great systemic enzyme products.

Another useful vitamin that is found in most natural foods/supplementation that is of no stranger, but isn't consumed enough I today's western diet is vitamin C. Most vitamin C tablets aren't good due to their absorption,you could be taking daily amounts through supplementation but not getting proper absorption through either poor guy issues or crappy products. Try to get most of your sources through real food that hasn't been man made or sprayed with harmful mind altering chemicals. That's not always easy and I'm not 100% chemical free from food either but I try to be mindful of what's going in my body. Anyway before I go on a rant,here's some benefits.
Vitamin-C has positive benefits battling against inflammation and infections that can cause disease. It's a major force in reducing the inflammation indicator C-reactive protein which is the main marker for illness. Good sources come from kale dark leafy greens,bell peppers,kiwi
guavas,tomatoes,acerola,peas mange tout.

Curcumin/Turneric is especially important to me as a longtime sufferer from depression transforming my diet and lifestyle I found that curcumin helps to reduce neurogenesis in the brain. An accumulation of neurogenesis in the hippocampus becomes more prominent later on in life, which can lead to anxiety and depression. It's also regulates our bodies ratio of anti inflammatory and inflammation which can help with keeping infection at bay. For men it avoids the sex hormone testosterone from being converted into high amounts of estrogen. Helps with a healthy GI tract so good bacteria can thrive in the gut for adequate absorption of nutrients from our food. Removes unwanted beta-amyloid that can be found in the brains of people suffering with Alzheimer's.

I've spoken about coconut oil before in previous posts with great admiration. It's one of my favourite foods to eat. Not only does it help with my workouts allowing me to drive through hard sessions without feeling fatigued, it also helps boost my testosterone by bolstering cholesterol. It's a infection fighter that helps repair organ tissues with its medium chain fatty acids. Combats scavenger free radicals and improves overall digestion with its high antioxidant polyphenol.

Ginger is another favourite of mine that I use in my smoothies on a regar basis. It great for gut inflammation upset stomach cramps etc. It's superb for healing the GI tract which is where most stress and illness originate. Considered a heart healer in the east from Ayurvedic cultures. Reduces bad LDL cholesterol and arthritis joint pain. Awesome for any colds that arise especially when we have seasonal change,this is when bacterial infections are most prominent. Ginger has also been known to be an affective blood thinner. 

I also found that Green tea has a ton of health benefits that help reduce inflammation and stress within the body. I use a Chinese Jasmine green tea which I purchase from my local Chinese herbal shop rather than the branded mainstream tea found in supermarkets. The loose leafs are much more potent and full of polyphenols which are high in anti oxidants which balance blood sugar levels improve the digestive system, boost mental & heart health. It's also been shown to drive down bad cholesterol and fight unhealthy rogue cancerous cells. This brings me nicely onto pomegranate which is also a great force in prevention against breast cancer. It's an aid in combatting depression,asthma arthritis,high blood pressure, it even promotes sexual function by expanding arteries through high levels of nitrate oxide.

Finally I'd like to share a supplement that I've just starting using which helps nourish cartilage improve joint health for more comfortable mobility, It's called Cetyl myristoleate. It's also a great lubricator for joints,arthritis, fibromyalgia and also helps regulate our immune system to fight infections. I use Cetyl Pure 2 caps twice per day morning/evening.

I'm certaintly an advocate of prevention rather than cure,creating a healthy environment for your body to thrive surely is a better choice than developing illness later on in life, and then relying on the health industry to take care of you.  

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