Saturday, 8 August 2015

Improve your sex drive & fat loss-its a no brainer!!!

A whole foods plant base diet helps to lower high blood pressure by increasing our natural nitrate oxides in the body.

A whole foods plant base diet helps to lower constipation due to high volumes of fibre.

A whole foods plant base diet can help to lower the risk of prostate cancer due to healthy blow flow running through our arteries.  

A whole foods plant base diet helps to lower inflammation in the body due to the antioxidants in plant food.

A whole foods plant base diet can help lower the risk of colon cancer due to non animal proteins in the body-which trigger the initial stages of cancer.

A whole foods plant base diet Improves sexual function in male & females this is due to healthy strong blood flow to all major arteries. 

A whole foods plant base diet improves erectile dysfunction. 

A whole foods plant base diet has an increase in nutritionally dense foods.

A whole foods plant base diet has less chemicals & hormones in its food unlike animal or processed foods

A whole foods plant base diet promotes weight and fat loss with highly dense nutritional food that the body needs for energy and is naturally lower in calories.

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