Saturday, 26 September 2015

How to increase your natural Testosterone production

When people think about increasing their testosterone they think of anobolic steroids or testosterone boosters but not many of us think of ways in enhance our testosterone production through good healthy foods. Don't get me wrong I'm not judging anyone who takes anobolic steroids,done safely can be very effective. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm all about trying to be strong fit and healthy as possible by optimising hormones through nutrition  and reducing stress. Testosterone boosters are a much safer route to go and won't shut down your natural production of T either. Checkout my article on testosterone. 
 Mike Mahlers Aggresssive Strength testosterone booster is a great product,it's made up of three main herbs Mucuna,stinging nettle root, bulbine nethalensis. It works by stimulating the pituitary gland in the brain which releases Lutenizing hormone. LH communicates with the leydig cells in the testicles which signals the production of testosterone. I've used this product with fantastic results my mood improved dramatically I felt ready to take on whatever the day had to offer. Definite strength increase that helped me lift more load,which had a carry over to my bodyweight gym ring workouts . Also my libido was ramped up after the first 2 week, of taking the supplement. Take for 8 weeks then cycle off for 4weeks as your body becomes desensitised to the herbs.

Moreover, to keep natural level of T at a healthy range here are some food choices you'll want add into your daily nutritional plan.

Coconut oil and olive oil are great sources for creating more testosterone as they build healthy cholesterol in the body which coverts into testosterone.
Spinach is a great plant based option as its high in zinc which is one of the top minerals for testosterone production. It's also high in magnesium which is a building block for testosterone.1-2 cups a day.
Celery is another good source for testosterone as its a male androgen. It has close properties to testosterone and androstenedione and has been shown to cleanse the kidneys. I like to put 3 stalked in my smoothie.
Oats will increase Lutienizing hormone. Steel cut oats are the best option to consume look to have around a bowl per day.
Garlic either powder or fresh look to have 1/2 tsp 2x a day. Either add to smoothies or meals. Also help heart Health and colds.
Pinenuts has androstenedione which is the pro hormone for testosterone. consume around 1/4 - 1/2 cup a day.
Lemons have some fantastic benefit for health, they cleanse the liver which breaks down estrogen in the body. Regulate the bodies PH levels in the blood and aid hydration. Add seasalt for better absorption.
Mike Mahler hormone researcher states
"Cruciferous vegetables like kale,broccoli cauliflower have indole 3 carbinol which helps metabolise estrogen and improve the ratio between good to bad estrogen. 2 hydroxyestrone(anti cancerous) to 4-16  hydroxyestrone(pro cancerous)". It's important to have a balanced ratio of estrogen as we need the bad to stop the growth of healthy estrogen over running in the body.The same applies to good estrogen fighting off the bad estrogen.

There's also food groups that you want to avoid as they can lower your production of testosterone but what's most concerning is how they promote high estrogen. First on the list is consuming unhealthy animal protein-now I don't personally eat any animal protein for health and ethical reason but that's my own choice I'm not here to tell anyone what to eat,I'm just giving my opinion. If you do eat animal protein you want to stay clear of factory farm meat/ protein. It's riddled with all sorts of hormones altering chemicals that drastically transform the homeostasis of the body. This means high inflamation stress,diabetes,stubborn bodyfat and if consumed over several years can lead to chronic illness. Organic grass fed animals are always a better option,get to know you local farmer then you know how the animal was raised. 

Another food that will lower testosterone and raise estrogen is fake soy meats. Most Soy meats/milks are processed with GMO genetically modified organisms unless stated. Opt for sprouted fermented soy natto. It has bacillus subtilis which the body digests a lot easier than regular soy products. Studies show that the phytoestrogens in soy are 1/500 to estradiol. This means they are able to shut off more potent estrogens from being received at their receptors. The problem is they can also stop androgen from being detected at the receptors sites, which stops the uptake of testosterone thus increasing estrogen dominance.
Having an allergy to soy is also an issue,inflammation in the body will cause disruption where testosterone transfers into estrogen.

There's a range of supplement that are also important for creating healthy amounts of testosterone in the body, zinc is by far the most vital. If your feeling low with no energy and the spark for life has gone maybe it's a deficiency in zinc. Research shows that if your zinc depleted it can play havoc on your testosterone production leaving you feeling lousy. A trip to the doctor for a blood test is always a good way to find out if your lacking in zinc or any micro nutrients.  

Maca powder boost testosterone,sex drive and supports adrenal function. It has plant sterols that work to build T production.

Bulbine Natalensis is the by far the most superior when it comes to boosting testosterone levels. It does this by using cholesterol as a building block and  coverts it into T. Studies show a massive increase in testosterone levels by 347% and lowers estrogen levels by 35%. It even out performed Viagra for libido in a controlled group.
150mg-250mg twice a day.

Pine pollen is plant that contain androgens which creates free testosterone levels improves liver function  and immune system health. Reduces cholesterol,increases antioxidants. Cycle 4weeks on then use bulbine for 4weeks. 2 liquid drops per day. Avoid if you are allergic to pine pollen.

BCAA Branch chain amino acids increase the ratio of testosterone to the hormone cortisol. This supplement can be taken whilst exercising its helps boost energy whilst training. 10g during training  and 5g after. Also take on non training days 5-10g morning and before bedtime.

Mucuna pruriens helps with focus especially before a workout increases Lutenizing hormone,L-dopomaine which is vital for pituitary brain health. Stimulates testosterone levels.
I also use magnesium spray it drives up free T levels by supporting the stress hormone DHEA. Another benefit with Magnesium spray is that is passes the GI tract in the gut. Helps with restful sleep.

Having adequate testosterone is important for improving training,building good strength gain and generally feeling good about yourself. It's not just all about ramping up testosterone as much as possible, there needs to be a healthy balance between T and E. If your converting Testosterone in Estrogen this is a problem and you will start storing excess bodyfat. If your carrying excess bodyfat then you have a high amount of an enzyme called aromatase,it converts Testoserone into Estrogen.

Resveratrol is derived from grape skin extract which reduces the uptake of estrogen. Stimulates Lutenizing hormone into Testoserone. Lowers inflamation and is powerful antioxidant. 
Triazole is a strong  estrogen blocker is 2 caps per day.
Calcium D Glucarate will detoxify the liver of any estrogen. 400mg per day with meals. 
DHT Dihydrotestosterone is the main hormone for a males sex organs and characteristics. It's more potent than testosterone and has a longer lasting effect in the body- upto 24hour as where Testoserone is only 3-5 hours. It also vital for central nervous system function in the brain. It's production originates from Testosterone through 5 alpha reductase.
It's 10 times more receptive to androgen than T and has the no transfer to estrogen. Everything that helps with a more optimal testosterone production also helps boost DHT levels. Although creatine monohydrate has been shown to increase DHT by 56% after a 7 day loading phase 25g for 7 days. But taking smaller amount over a longer period of te will see the same result.

There's a debate that DHT is the cause of swelling in the prostate gland but the real issue is an imbalance between androgen and estrogen. Dr Nick  Delgado States that when bad estrogen is high it starts to enlarge the prostate. This happens due to testosterone being low where it cannot compete against the estrogen dominance. This signals DHT to rise now the focus is on the DHT,the DHT is there to protect the prostate not enlarg it. The bad unmetabolise estrogen needs to be cleared out with prescribed drugs and herbs,balance the Testoserone against the estrogen, then the DHT will drop to its optimal range.
A study where men were given 70mg of DHT cream encounted vast improvements in there overall mood an increase in sex drive and erectile function. There muscle tissue also increased with a greater percentage of their bodyfat reducing. And improve urine function but most importantly it shrank their prostate glands.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Today I'm excited to talk about the hormone testosterone. The hormone testosterone is vital for men. It's crucial for a healthy mood sex drive and brain function. The cells in the muscles react to an increase in testosterone which promotes growth and strength.
It Increases healthy fatburning primarily in the pectorals and midsection of the body. Testosterone helps transport red blood cells which are highly important for delivering oxygen around the body. It's critical for the bones especially through a conversion to estrogen. It's important to have a good ratio between testosterone and estrogen for both men and women, so good bone health is maintained. Optimal testosterone encourages a healthy prostrate gland, high
estrogen levels can enlarge the prostrate so it's important to keep hormones balanced. It also keeps the heart healthy and improves sex drive. Testosterone is key when arousal in the brain is needed to lock blood in the corpora cavernosa in the penis, which gives men a healthy erection. 

A miss conceived notion in society is that  men with high amounts of testosterone are more likely to be of a violent nature, and commit crimes. This is obsurd which only suggests that these people are not well researched in this particular subject. Expert kettlebell trainer and hormone researcher Mike Mahler states(There was a study where a group of prisoners were given chewing gum and it showed that they had high levels of testosterone,this study only pointed out that they had high testosterone-not that, having high testosterone, made them violent and commit crimes.) A man with optimal testosterone will be in a thriving state,he will have a good mood and want to take charge of his life with positivity. Most men with optimal testosterone and estrogen levels with be calm relaxed and rarely loss their temper.

Strength and conditioning expert Charles Poliquin states men with low testosterone and high estrogen dominance tend to be more violent due to the need too over compensate.

Low testosterone in men can be a daunting experience,in most cases a loss of motivation drive to take control of their lifes,with positive action is extremely common. Having low energy levels is another symptom of low T, which can lead to poor mood,depression and inactivity. This snowball effect can result in weak bones, increased bodyfat from estrogen dominance, especially in the chest,stomach as mentioned earlier,glutes and legs.

Men with low testosterone high estrogen tend to get pushed around by life not able to make decisions for themselves,because they are operating on low confidence and do not have the spark for life anymore. I experienced this loss of spark-zest for life around four years ago,when I was unhappy with my current environment,work and soulless presents. As a result my testosterone plummeted to a all time low I felt moody depressed,and my sex drive was non exsistance. Forget about working out! I suffered bigtime-gaining serious bodyfat with a lack of drive to do anything. I then addressed my stress with meditation yoga and so forth, accompanied with healthier nutritional choices. This helped rejuvenate and balance my hormonal cascade, so I could thrive and take charge of my life once more.

Optimal total testosterone levels are around 350ng/dl to 1000ngl/dl and free level 50-210 pg/ml  
The amount of overall testosterone that each individual produces will differ from the next person. Some men will thrive on lower numbers, some need higher to feel at their best. But the real key is the amount of free testosterone that each individual has access too. Think of total testosterone as the large stream and the free testosterone as the amount at which you can drink from and utilise.

The production of testosterone is stimulated in the brain. The pituitary gland then receives the signal to create Luteinizing hormone, which produces testosterone in the leydig cells in the testicles. 

It's important to realise that if testosterone and Lutienizing hormone is set low,bringing up Luteinizing hormone to optimal levels,will activate testosterone production as well. If Luteinizing hormone is set high and testosterone is low, the issue is with testosterone production within the testicles.
This means exogenous hormone therapy will be the only way to restore the testosterone.

Cholesterol is the building block for Testosterone.
There's a real fear with cholesterol in today's society if cholesterol is slightly high people panic,resulting in a visit to their GP,who then prescribes medication. The problem with cholesterol medication (ie statins) are that they totally clear out the cholesterol in the body. This is a huge mistake! Cholesterol is needed to create testosterone clearing it out will only see sex hormones crash. Mood will be bad, no sex drive, and loss of memory,these are all negative side effect to the drug. It's the ratio between the good cholesterol HDL, and the bad cholesterol LDL, that's crucial to having a healthy cholesterol with optimal balance in sex hormones. A tablespoon of organic coconut oil will fuel a good workout but will give a healthy balance between good and bad cholesterol. 0.4 is an ideal ration LDL  to HDL. The cholesterol to watch out for is VLDL this is highly detrimental to the body,they are sticky partials that attach to arterial walls which causes plaque to harden blocking arteries which ultimately cause heart disease. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The link between Adrenaline,Stress and disease

The hormone Adrenaline is created by the adrenal glands. Adrenaline is pumped out due to a stressful response in the body. When small amounts of adrenaline are present in the body it doesn't have any real baring on our health. But if we are consistently in a stressed state,for long periods of time it can cause serious implications to our health.

Higher amounts of adrenaline that stay in our system can also disrupt testosterone levels. It reduces the amount of lutenizing hormones produced in the pituitary gland so LH doesn't communicate with the testicles to produce adequate testosterone production.

There are many Adrenaline receptors located in unwanted fat areas-stomach hips glutes,chest. They are used to receive fat energy for stressful situations that may occur. Adrenaline has to be sensitive for the fat to be used efficiently within the body. If we are overly stressed from work,relationships,poor nutrition our receptors get tired and the brain doesn't receive the correct signal to burn fat. The body then thinks that there isn't enough fat stored in these stubborn areas,as a result more fat is stored in unwanted areas.

Adrenaline is extremely inflamortary in the body,this inflammation causes the hormone cortisol to react within the body to lower the inflammation.

The term adrenaline resistance mean the body has too much stress through lack of good quality sleep,bad relationships too much caffeine, stimulants like fat burners,financial pressures,overtraining etc. All of these external pressures result in high inflammation,high cortisol and stored bodyfat.

Restoration activities are essential Joint mobility,swimming,Yoga,meditation sports massage and relaxing spa treatments are all essential for good relaxation. I participate in a 30 minutes meditation-morning and evening. Daily joint mobility routine before breakfast is a great way to start off your day. In the evening I practice 30 to 40 minutes of yoga practice and stretching which helps me relax and manage my unhealthy stress.

You can check out my Joint mobility routine on YouTube.
Joint mobility for restoration and longevity. 

Meditation nutrition and good quality sleep are all as important as well as your high intensity adrenaline workouts, so make sure to get a good balance between the two.

Aim to have as many restoration work outs as your intense workouts per week.

Ways to reduce adrenaline resistance. I drink jasmine green tea 3 to 4 cups a day for relaxation. The amino acid theanine in green tea helps distress.

Other ways to lower cortisol is to have reishi mushroom this is great for stress management, 500 mg two times per day. Sigma foods have a great range of teas and coffee.

Rhodiola is an adaptogen it also encourages the increase in oxygen uptake.

Siberian ginseng changes the hormonal cascade from pregneninolone to DHEA rather than going to cortisol. DHEA is the preferred hormone for stress management.

B vitamins are reduced when stress is high in the body I take a B vitamin complex 1 to 2 tablets per day with meals.

Maca powder is extremely good at controlling adrenal health. Other benefits are increases libido in men and women and reduces estrogen. Also good for thyroid health 2 to 3 tablespoons per day. I like to take mine in my morning smoothie.

My favourite supplement by far is systemic enzymes, it's great for lowering inflammation aches and pains. It also helps with workout recovery,and it works as a blood cleanser. I use a product called Restorezyme by Mike Mahler. I've had great results with it. It's all about finding the correct activation dose,once that's dialled in,your see great results in recovery from your workouts and less joint pain. I use four capsules three times per day between meals.

There you have it! Balancing your stress with restorative methods you will find your adrenal levels more optimal, rather than going through the roof. The result is bodyfat high and having a hard time sleeping. Avoid burnout and deterioration, they can lead to illness and chronic disease.

Be mindful  Be Real  Be yourself


Monday, 14 September 2015

Daily joint mobility routine

I remember exercising as a young boy I always used to participate in a classic joint mobilty routine to warmup before martial arts training with my Dad. At age 5 I never really knew the real benefits of this ritual until many years later... 

Now age 41 I can appreciate every movement that I'm applying. I now have a modified routine I do before I eat breakfast,this is a fantastic way to wake up the body and loosen up any stiff joints that maybe causing irritation or discomfort. It's also a great way to encourage positivity for the day ahead. 

I've noticed that if performed consistently I can move better during workouts which helps with training progress.

Below is my joint mobility routine. I start by using repetitions of 5-10 on each exercise but if I'm paticularly stiff in certain areas I increase the rep range to 20-30 reps.

The beauty about joint mobility exercise is that you can perform them anywhere ie first thing in the morning before and after workouts or even as a workout itself with higher reps. I've  found it helps me significantly with lifting movement patterns like heavy deadlifts, squats, overhead presses especially when training with awkward sandbag lifts where the unstable shift in sand, can force you into somewhat unconventional planes of movement,this can sometime-if loading is misjudged,lead to injury. In other words it's a great injury prevention if participated frequently.

Here's my routine below try to build in a new morning habit when you get out of bed,this way you'll be charged up ready for the day ahead. Start by completing 5-10 reps on each exercise if you can do more great.

Look up & Down

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Look up,hold for 1-2 secs then look down, chin on chest. Repeat

Head forward & back 

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position looking straight ahead.

3:Push head forward so neck is extended out. Then pull head back with chin to starting position. Repeat

Head rotations-Look over each shoulder

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Look over left shoulder & pick a spot to focus on then do the same on the right shoulder. Repeat

Ear to shoulder-lateral head tilt

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Laterally tilt head to the side leading with the ear. Then repeat on the other side.


1:Stand with feet hip width apart, knees soft with arms up,in line with the shoulders.

2:Rotate through the shoulders keeping palms facing up-really feel the shoulder joints working. 

3:Rotate head and pivot hips in the same direction. 

Alternating shoulder rolling

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position,hands on thighs.

3:Alternate shoulder rolls in a swimmers backstroke movement keeping hands on the outside of the thighs. Draw circles movements with the on the thighs. 

4:Reverse the above movement to mimmick a swimmers front crawl with hands still on thighs. 

Arm circles

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Circle both arms crossing over in front of you. Change direction.

 Single arm circles forward & backwards

1:Stand with feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Circle arm forward so it lightly brushing the ear then lower down past the thigh in a continuing manner. Change arms.

4:Circle arm backwards so it lightly brushed the ear then lower down past the thigh in a continuing manner. Change arms.

Mexican wave

1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position with arms by sides.

3:Swing arms back and simultaneously drive hips backwards pushing the backside out maintaining good posture. (Like a kettlebell hip hinge action)

4:Drive the hips forwards with arms swinging up above the head.

5:Repeat the movement.

Hula hoop circles

1:1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Draw a circle with your hips in one direction in a hula hoop movement.

4:Change direction and repeat.

Gong waist rotations

1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Start by rotating through the waist in a quick left to right motion.

4:Arms hanging loosely swinging around each side of the body

5:Allow the opposite foot to pivot in rotation 

6:Open up stance as you complete more reps.

Lateral spine bends

1:1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Lateral bend to the right with hands on hips keep head facing forwards.

4:Visualise bending sideways over a barrel.

5:Repeat on the left hand side.

Bow & Bend

1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Shoulders back with neutral spine position.

3:Begin by breathing out and slowly bending forward lowering the hands to the ground keeping the legs straight. Opening out each vertebrae when bending forward.

4: Return breathing in,and slowly come back to an upright position. Feel each individual vertebrae moving into alignment finishing with the neck.

5:Then move into a upper back bend keeping the legs straight. Lower back remains straight.

Marching in place

 1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft.

2:Raise right knee to chest area while  simultaneously raising opposite arm above the head.

3: Repeat on opposite side of the body in a continuous manner.

3rd world squat.

1:Stand feet hip width apart knees soft,feet at 45 degree angle.

2: Squat down as low as possible (bottom to heels)breathing out keeping knees in track with the feet. Arm out in front at eye level for balance.

3:Hold at the bottom part of the rep for 5-10secs 

4:Return breathing in to the start position

Rolling sit-up 

1: Sit on the floor legs together out in front with body upright.

2:Slowly lower and lean to the right controlling the upper body contracting through the midsection.

3:Lower the body to the ground but keep shoulders off the ground then roll across to the left hand side keeping midsection tight.

4:Lift the upper body back to a sitted position with controlled movement.

5: Repeat the movement by lowering on the left hand side of the body and finishing up on the right hand side.

Downward dog pump

1:Start in a downward dog position,hands shoulder width apart feet hip width apart.

2:Keep arms straight, midsection tight with legs straight and heels on the ground,relax the shoulders.

3: Begin by slowly lowering the pelvic to the ground keeping arms straight and strong throughout the move.

4:Hands and feet are the only contact with the ground. Look up at the bottom phase of the movement.

5:Return by pushing backside up to starting position. Repeat

Cossack drill

1:Feet positioned outside of shoulder width apart at 45 degree angle.

2:Squat to the right hand side with left leg straight and toes facing up to the sky-keep back upright in a neutral position.

3:If needed put hands on a chair for support.

4: Keeping feet flat whilst squatting to the right hand side.

5:Move fluidly from right to left.

For more details on joint mobilty checkout my follow along YouTube video.

Joint mobilty for restoration and longevity 

Marc Liburd 

Plant Powered Athlete

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Sandbag training journal

Monday 7th September 2015
Strength session

Cup of organic jasmine green tea.

Mood:Felt mentally sharp. Physically, had a an old ankle injury flare up(right ankle slightly swollen,Tightness in lower back & hips) Sports massage needed to balance my restoration against my workouts.

Training note:Improve lifting technique for heavy squats & push jerks.

Joint Mobilily routine warmup.

Sandbag back squats 5x5 x3 fillers 60kg
Sandbag push jerks 5x5 x2 filler 40kg
Knees to elbows on rings 4sets failure

Post workout:15 min Yoga lower back,hip routine & rolling out session. 

Meal:Large smoothie Kale,Chlorella, blueberries,banana,flaxseeds,walnut almond milk.

Mood:Overall tired but not beat up.

Training notes:Technique on the knees to elbows felt really smooth today, midsection definitely getting stronger. 

Push jerk need work as lower back started arching as I got tired.

Wednesday 9th September 2015
Conditioning session

Preworkout:1 litre of filtered water avocado on glutenfree rice cakes sea salt.

Mood:Hips felt really tight today good warmup stretch needed in specific area.

Training goal:get through 5 rounds with minimum rest breaks to keep heart rate high without compromising form.

Joint mobility focused more reps on lower back & hip movements.

10 knees to elbows 
15 sandbag zercher squats x2 fillers
20 overhead press x2 fillers
5 rounds - 30 secs rest between sets

Post workout:20 min lower back & hip yoga routine. Roller session focused mainly on hipflexors.

Meal:plant based kale,lentil & sweet potatoe homemade curry.

Mood:felt good mentally. Physically had slight tightness from left hip joint & lower back-definitely time for sports massage,chiropractic adjustment  & rest for a few days.

Training notes:Weight for overhead press in the 4th 5th set was too heavy I started fatiguing towards the end of the session.
Personal note don't let your ego make the decisions when lifting. Aim to complete all five sets with same weight & great technique next session.

Zercher squats were smooth but challenging happy with my form.

Be mindful Be real Be yourself.

Natural plant based ways to improve your insulin sensitivity

Recently I posted an article on the importance of optimising insulin and how insulin resistance can lead to high inflammation and disease. Today I'd like to share what natural plant based supplements can help keep our bodies insulin sensitive.

I really like magnesium oil it's vital for production overall function and delivery of insulin around the body. Magnesium is the key to opening up the walls of the cell membranes for glucose to enter.
The best form of delivery is through the skin transdermally. This way it bypasses the GI tract and is easily absorbed. 
Mike Mahler carries a great Magnesium recovery oil which also promotes great sleep,reduced inflammation and quicker recovery after workouts.

Apple cider vinegar has shown to reduce a high carbohydrate insulin spike. 
Dr Carol Johnston run a study where 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar were given to a group before a high carbohydrate meal and it dramatically chopped blood sugar from an insulin resistance group by 50%. It even out shone diabetes drug metformin.

Cinnamon works in a similar manner to our own insulin by lowering the blood sugar levels in our bloodstream. The potent ingredient within cinnamon is "methylhydroxychalcone polymer" that's a mouthful!-pun intended. MHCP is proven to reduce blood sugar,triglycerides LDL cholesterol levels. Recommend 1 tsp per day. I normally add to my morning smoothie.

Acetyl L-carnitine or carnitine tartrate helps improve our cells burning activity and regulates glucose. It increases our fatty acids ability to be transferred into efficient fat burning by our cells. 
Leftover energy from cells can be moved to organs for fuel-if needed. Also increases a positive mood with added benefits for brain health. Put with R-lipoic acid 1-2g 2-3 times a day.

R-lipoic acid works in the same manner as insulin does in the bloodstream,when we eat. It increases the metabolising effect of glucose in the blood,so the right amount is used in the body, and not going to stored bodyfat. One100mg tablets at meals 3x a day.

Resveratrol stimulates a protein called S1RT1 that has be shown to improve insulin sensitivity. On an empty stomach take one 500mg 1-2 x a day.

Vitamin D-low levels can cause insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction(cells that produce and secrete insulin in the pancreas)
Optimal health for vitamin D is 60-80ng/ml

Fenuplex helps metabolism of glucose. Lowers blood glucose level as it contains fenugreek which slows down digestion of carbohydrates. Bitter chourd fruit is also present which helps the transportation of glucose around the body. The gymnema leaf slows down the absorption of sugar through the intestinal wall,during the digestion phase. This process can relieve craving temptations from accruing. 2 caps prior to meal time 3x a day.

Hormone reasearcher Mike Mahler States  "CoQ10-ubiquinol ,120mg in a study of 59 people baseline fasting glucose went from 142 to 95"
DHA EPA 600-1000mg a day will improve insulin sensitivity and lower cholesterol.

Note not all of these supplements need to be taken along side your healthy eating plan, find out what works for you as an individual,then make notes in your journal if you have one. If you don't have a journal,start one now!! and see how it improve your lifestyle.

Be mindful,Be real,Be yourself.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Anabolic hormone that is critical for life.

Today's post I'd like to share with you is the importance of optimizing our hormone insulin and how to regulate a healthy insulin response.

The hormone insulin is absolutely vital for life if we do not create insulin or have enough insulin levels driving into our cells liver,muscles we will die. This is why type 1 diabetics have to take injections.

Insulin is an anabolic hormone which helps with growth. It also transports glucose into our cells,liver and muscles.

The term insulin resistance is a condition which effects the delivery of glucose into the cells liver and muscles. The damaged receptors that transport insulin have become ineffective and cannot perform optimally. This creates confusion from insulin to the brain-thus resulting in an overload response being delivered to damaged receptors.
A large increase of insulin in the body is highly inflammatory,this inflammation is extremely harmful to our bodies. Heart disease,cancers and a host of different illnesses can grow and develop in such an unhealthy environment.

A big spike in insulin from a meal can also bring our blood sugar levels down, this plummet will often make us feel even hungrier than before we started eating.
Important note when we have high insulin 
in our bloodstream we are not efficient at burning fat. Insulin high-growth hormone levels low,not an ideal state for muscle repair,growth or burning unwanted fat.

The condition polycystic ovary syndrome is a direct result of insulin resistance.
Mike Mahler top kettlebell trainer and hormone researcher suggests having  morning fasted insulin levels below 5ulU/ml,is optimal.

So what can we do to improve insulin sensitivity?

I recently posted a blog talking about the benefits of Leptin on the 24.08.15 
(Your hormones determine how you feel and act everyday. Getting out of Leptin resistance with healthy nutritional choices will have profound effects on how we perform in our workouts and in life.)
The same strategies that work for Leptin resistance also benefit  insulin.

Make sure to keep carbohydrate intake low/medium no more than 50% of calories and avoid high glycemic meals.

Protein,fat,with carbohydrates from low glycemic sources to regulate insulin glucagon ratio.

Bigger stretches between each meal improves insulin sensitivity and boosts growth hormone levels.

Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve the bodies ability to increase insulin sensitivity. Pick one day in the week where you have your evening meal at 8pm then don't eat again til 8pm the following day. Just water no stimulants like tea,coffee they will drive up insulin. 

Large quantities of caffeine will also raise insulin levels 1-2 cups a day is a good amount if you don't suffer from stress as this can cause adrenaline resistance.

Invest in two training sessions per week that are high intensity ie sprinting sandbag training,kettlebell training,tabata protocol(8 sets of 20 secs max work, 
10 secs complete rest between working sets.) This type of training will pull insulin out of the bloodstream and replenish our cells,liver and muscles.

Use coconut oil to feed the cells rather than an insulin response. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil nourish our cells so insulin is not needed. The added benefit of coconut oil is that it stops Insulin spikes from taking place due to the fat within it, this lowers the glycemic index of a meal that  
could normally lead to insulin resistance.

I take 1-2 tablespoons twice a day in my smoothies or between meals to shut down my sugar cravings and boost sustained energy for my workouts. I use Lucy Bee organic coconut oil. 
Stocked at Sainsburys or amazon if you prefer to shop online.

There you have it! An overview of the hormone insulin. What it is. How it operates within the body and different ways to regulate it healthily. 

Next post I will talk about useful supplementation to improve insulin sensitivity.

Be mindful-Be real-Be yourself