Saturday, 26 September 2015

How to increase your natural Testosterone production

When people think about increasing their testosterone they think of anobolic steroids or testosterone boosters but not many of us think of ways in enhance our testosterone production through good healthy foods. Don't get me wrong I'm not judging anyone who takes anobolic steroids,done safely can be very effective. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm all about trying to be strong fit and healthy as possible by optimising hormones through nutrition  and reducing stress. Testosterone boosters are a much safer route to go and won't shut down your natural production of T either. Checkout my article on testosterone. 
 Mike Mahlers Aggresssive Strength testosterone booster is a great product,it's made up of three main herbs Mucuna,stinging nettle root, bulbine nethalensis. It works by stimulating the pituitary gland in the brain which releases Lutenizing hormone. LH communicates with the leydig cells in the testicles which signals the production of testosterone. I've used this product with fantastic results my mood improved dramatically I felt ready to take on whatever the day had to offer. Definite strength increase that helped me lift more load,which had a carry over to my bodyweight gym ring workouts . Also my libido was ramped up after the first 2 week, of taking the supplement. Take for 8 weeks then cycle off for 4weeks as your body becomes desensitised to the herbs.

Moreover, to keep natural level of T at a healthy range here are some food choices you'll want add into your daily nutritional plan.

Coconut oil and olive oil are great sources for creating more testosterone as they build healthy cholesterol in the body which coverts into testosterone.
Spinach is a great plant based option as its high in zinc which is one of the top minerals for testosterone production. It's also high in magnesium which is a building block for testosterone.1-2 cups a day.
Celery is another good source for testosterone as its a male androgen. It has close properties to testosterone and androstenedione and has been shown to cleanse the kidneys. I like to put 3 stalked in my smoothie.
Oats will increase Lutienizing hormone. Steel cut oats are the best option to consume look to have around a bowl per day.
Garlic either powder or fresh look to have 1/2 tsp 2x a day. Either add to smoothies or meals. Also help heart Health and colds.
Pinenuts has androstenedione which is the pro hormone for testosterone. consume around 1/4 - 1/2 cup a day.
Lemons have some fantastic benefit for health, they cleanse the liver which breaks down estrogen in the body. Regulate the bodies PH levels in the blood and aid hydration. Add seasalt for better absorption.
Mike Mahler hormone researcher states
"Cruciferous vegetables like kale,broccoli cauliflower have indole 3 carbinol which helps metabolise estrogen and improve the ratio between good to bad estrogen. 2 hydroxyestrone(anti cancerous) to 4-16  hydroxyestrone(pro cancerous)". It's important to have a balanced ratio of estrogen as we need the bad to stop the growth of healthy estrogen over running in the body.The same applies to good estrogen fighting off the bad estrogen.

There's also food groups that you want to avoid as they can lower your production of testosterone but what's most concerning is how they promote high estrogen. First on the list is consuming unhealthy animal protein-now I don't personally eat any animal protein for health and ethical reason but that's my own choice I'm not here to tell anyone what to eat,I'm just giving my opinion. If you do eat animal protein you want to stay clear of factory farm meat/ protein. It's riddled with all sorts of hormones altering chemicals that drastically transform the homeostasis of the body. This means high inflamation stress,diabetes,stubborn bodyfat and if consumed over several years can lead to chronic illness. Organic grass fed animals are always a better option,get to know you local farmer then you know how the animal was raised. 

Another food that will lower testosterone and raise estrogen is fake soy meats. Most Soy meats/milks are processed with GMO genetically modified organisms unless stated. Opt for sprouted fermented soy natto. It has bacillus subtilis which the body digests a lot easier than regular soy products. Studies show that the phytoestrogens in soy are 1/500 to estradiol. This means they are able to shut off more potent estrogens from being received at their receptors. The problem is they can also stop androgen from being detected at the receptors sites, which stops the uptake of testosterone thus increasing estrogen dominance.
Having an allergy to soy is also an issue,inflammation in the body will cause disruption where testosterone transfers into estrogen.

There's a range of supplement that are also important for creating healthy amounts of testosterone in the body, zinc is by far the most vital. If your feeling low with no energy and the spark for life has gone maybe it's a deficiency in zinc. Research shows that if your zinc depleted it can play havoc on your testosterone production leaving you feeling lousy. A trip to the doctor for a blood test is always a good way to find out if your lacking in zinc or any micro nutrients.  

Maca powder boost testosterone,sex drive and supports adrenal function. It has plant sterols that work to build T production.

Bulbine Natalensis is the by far the most superior when it comes to boosting testosterone levels. It does this by using cholesterol as a building block and  coverts it into T. Studies show a massive increase in testosterone levels by 347% and lowers estrogen levels by 35%. It even out performed Viagra for libido in a controlled group.
150mg-250mg twice a day.

Pine pollen is plant that contain androgens which creates free testosterone levels improves liver function  and immune system health. Reduces cholesterol,increases antioxidants. Cycle 4weeks on then use bulbine for 4weeks. 2 liquid drops per day. Avoid if you are allergic to pine pollen.

BCAA Branch chain amino acids increase the ratio of testosterone to the hormone cortisol. This supplement can be taken whilst exercising its helps boost energy whilst training. 10g during training  and 5g after. Also take on non training days 5-10g morning and before bedtime.

Mucuna pruriens helps with focus especially before a workout increases Lutenizing hormone,L-dopomaine which is vital for pituitary brain health. Stimulates testosterone levels.
I also use magnesium spray it drives up free T levels by supporting the stress hormone DHEA. Another benefit with Magnesium spray is that is passes the GI tract in the gut. Helps with restful sleep.

Having adequate testosterone is important for improving training,building good strength gain and generally feeling good about yourself. It's not just all about ramping up testosterone as much as possible, there needs to be a healthy balance between T and E. If your converting Testosterone in Estrogen this is a problem and you will start storing excess bodyfat. If your carrying excess bodyfat then you have a high amount of an enzyme called aromatase,it converts Testoserone into Estrogen.

Resveratrol is derived from grape skin extract which reduces the uptake of estrogen. Stimulates Lutenizing hormone into Testoserone. Lowers inflamation and is powerful antioxidant. 
Triazole is a strong  estrogen blocker is 2 caps per day.
Calcium D Glucarate will detoxify the liver of any estrogen. 400mg per day with meals. 
DHT Dihydrotestosterone is the main hormone for a males sex organs and characteristics. It's more potent than testosterone and has a longer lasting effect in the body- upto 24hour as where Testoserone is only 3-5 hours. It also vital for central nervous system function in the brain. It's production originates from Testosterone through 5 alpha reductase.
It's 10 times more receptive to androgen than T and has the no transfer to estrogen. Everything that helps with a more optimal testosterone production also helps boost DHT levels. Although creatine monohydrate has been shown to increase DHT by 56% after a 7 day loading phase 25g for 7 days. But taking smaller amount over a longer period of te will see the same result.

There's a debate that DHT is the cause of swelling in the prostate gland but the real issue is an imbalance between androgen and estrogen. Dr Nick  Delgado States that when bad estrogen is high it starts to enlarge the prostate. This happens due to testosterone being low where it cannot compete against the estrogen dominance. This signals DHT to rise now the focus is on the DHT,the DHT is there to protect the prostate not enlarg it. The bad unmetabolise estrogen needs to be cleared out with prescribed drugs and herbs,balance the Testoserone against the estrogen, then the DHT will drop to its optimal range.
A study where men were given 70mg of DHT cream encounted vast improvements in there overall mood an increase in sex drive and erectile function. There muscle tissue also increased with a greater percentage of their bodyfat reducing. And improve urine function but most importantly it shrank their prostate glands.

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