Thursday, 24 September 2015


Today I'm excited to talk about the hormone testosterone. The hormone testosterone is vital for men. It's crucial for a healthy mood sex drive and brain function. The cells in the muscles react to an increase in testosterone which promotes growth and strength.
It Increases healthy fatburning primarily in the pectorals and midsection of the body. Testosterone helps transport red blood cells which are highly important for delivering oxygen around the body. It's critical for the bones especially through a conversion to estrogen. It's important to have a good ratio between testosterone and estrogen for both men and women, so good bone health is maintained. Optimal testosterone encourages a healthy prostrate gland, high
estrogen levels can enlarge the prostrate so it's important to keep hormones balanced. It also keeps the heart healthy and improves sex drive. Testosterone is key when arousal in the brain is needed to lock blood in the corpora cavernosa in the penis, which gives men a healthy erection. 

A miss conceived notion in society is that  men with high amounts of testosterone are more likely to be of a violent nature, and commit crimes. This is obsurd which only suggests that these people are not well researched in this particular subject. Expert kettlebell trainer and hormone researcher Mike Mahler states(There was a study where a group of prisoners were given chewing gum and it showed that they had high levels of testosterone,this study only pointed out that they had high testosterone-not that, having high testosterone, made them violent and commit crimes.) A man with optimal testosterone will be in a thriving state,he will have a good mood and want to take charge of his life with positivity. Most men with optimal testosterone and estrogen levels with be calm relaxed and rarely loss their temper.

Strength and conditioning expert Charles Poliquin states men with low testosterone and high estrogen dominance tend to be more violent due to the need too over compensate.

Low testosterone in men can be a daunting experience,in most cases a loss of motivation drive to take control of their lifes,with positive action is extremely common. Having low energy levels is another symptom of low T, which can lead to poor mood,depression and inactivity. This snowball effect can result in weak bones, increased bodyfat from estrogen dominance, especially in the chest,stomach as mentioned earlier,glutes and legs.

Men with low testosterone high estrogen tend to get pushed around by life not able to make decisions for themselves,because they are operating on low confidence and do not have the spark for life anymore. I experienced this loss of spark-zest for life around four years ago,when I was unhappy with my current environment,work and soulless presents. As a result my testosterone plummeted to a all time low I felt moody depressed,and my sex drive was non exsistance. Forget about working out! I suffered bigtime-gaining serious bodyfat with a lack of drive to do anything. I then addressed my stress with meditation yoga and so forth, accompanied with healthier nutritional choices. This helped rejuvenate and balance my hormonal cascade, so I could thrive and take charge of my life once more.

Optimal total testosterone levels are around 350ng/dl to 1000ngl/dl and free level 50-210 pg/ml  
The amount of overall testosterone that each individual produces will differ from the next person. Some men will thrive on lower numbers, some need higher to feel at their best. But the real key is the amount of free testosterone that each individual has access too. Think of total testosterone as the large stream and the free testosterone as the amount at which you can drink from and utilise.

The production of testosterone is stimulated in the brain. The pituitary gland then receives the signal to create Luteinizing hormone, which produces testosterone in the leydig cells in the testicles. 

It's important to realise that if testosterone and Lutienizing hormone is set low,bringing up Luteinizing hormone to optimal levels,will activate testosterone production as well. If Luteinizing hormone is set high and testosterone is low, the issue is with testosterone production within the testicles.
This means exogenous hormone therapy will be the only way to restore the testosterone.

Cholesterol is the building block for Testosterone.
There's a real fear with cholesterol in today's society if cholesterol is slightly high people panic,resulting in a visit to their GP,who then prescribes medication. The problem with cholesterol medication (ie statins) are that they totally clear out the cholesterol in the body. This is a huge mistake! Cholesterol is needed to create testosterone clearing it out will only see sex hormones crash. Mood will be bad, no sex drive, and loss of memory,these are all negative side effect to the drug. It's the ratio between the good cholesterol HDL, and the bad cholesterol LDL, that's crucial to having a healthy cholesterol with optimal balance in sex hormones. A tablespoon of organic coconut oil will fuel a good workout but will give a healthy balance between good and bad cholesterol. 0.4 is an ideal ration LDL  to HDL. The cholesterol to watch out for is VLDL this is highly detrimental to the body,they are sticky partials that attach to arterial walls which causes plaque to harden blocking arteries which ultimately cause heart disease. 

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