Higher amounts of adrenaline that stay in our system can also disrupt testosterone levels. It reduces the amount of lutenizing hormones produced in the pituitary gland so LH doesn't communicate with the testicles to produce adequate testosterone production.
There are many Adrenaline receptors located in unwanted fat areas-stomach hips glutes,chest. They are used to receive fat energy for stressful situations that may occur. Adrenaline has to be sensitive for the fat to be used efficiently within the body. If we are overly stressed from work,relationships,poor nutrition our receptors get tired and the brain doesn't receive the correct signal to burn fat. The body then thinks that there isn't enough fat stored in these stubborn areas,as a result more fat is stored in unwanted areas.
Adrenaline is extremely inflamortary in the body,this inflammation causes the hormone cortisol to react within the body to lower the inflammation.
The term adrenaline resistance mean the body has too much stress through lack of good quality sleep,bad relationships too much caffeine, stimulants like fat burners,financial pressures,overtraining etc. All of these external pressures result in high inflammation,high cortisol and stored bodyfat.
Restoration activities are essential Joint mobility,swimming,Yoga,meditation sports massage and relaxing spa treatments are all essential for good relaxation. I participate in a 30 minutes meditation-morning and evening. Daily joint mobility routine before breakfast is a great way to start off your day. In the evening I practice 30 to 40 minutes of yoga practice and stretching which helps me relax and manage my unhealthy stress.
You can check out my Joint mobility routine on YouTube.
Joint mobility for restoration and longevity.
Meditation nutrition and good quality sleep are all as important as well as your high intensity adrenaline workouts, so make sure to get a good balance between the two.
Aim to have as many restoration work outs as your intense workouts per week.
Ways to reduce adrenaline resistance. I drink jasmine green tea 3 to 4 cups a day for relaxation. The amino acid theanine in green tea helps distress.
Other ways to lower cortisol is to have reishi mushroom this is great for stress management, 500 mg two times per day. Sigma foods have a great range of teas and coffee.
Rhodiola is an adaptogen it also encourages the increase in oxygen uptake.
Siberian ginseng changes the hormonal cascade from pregneninolone to DHEA rather than going to cortisol. DHEA is the preferred hormone for stress management.
B vitamins are reduced when stress is high in the body I take a B vitamin complex 1 to 2 tablets per day with meals.
Maca powder is extremely good at controlling adrenal health. Other benefits are increases libido in men and women and reduces estrogen. Also good for thyroid health 2 to 3 tablespoons per day. I like to take mine in my morning smoothie.
My favourite supplement by far is systemic enzymes, it's great for lowering inflammation aches and pains. It also helps with workout recovery,and it works as a blood cleanser. I use a product called Restorezyme by Mike Mahler. I've had great results with it. It's all about finding the correct activation dose,once that's dialled in,your see great results in recovery from your workouts and less joint pain. I use four capsules three times per day between meals.
There you have it! Balancing your stress with restorative methods you will find your adrenal levels more optimal, rather than going through the roof. The result is bodyfat high and having a hard time sleeping. Avoid burnout and deterioration, they can lead to illness and chronic disease.
Be mindful Be Real Be yourself
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